Co-design with personas

The persona method is aimed at talking about the users and representing users in the design process. I (and some of my students9 have experimented with having users present in the initial design process and let users act as personas for innovation. I gave a talk about this in Chicago, Sept 2011. These are my slides from the talk at UX Masterclass in Chicago lene nielsen – codesign with personas

 Why co-design with personas

Including users in large participatory innovation projects together with professional innovators such as designers, people from marketing, engineers etc puts a strain on the user that might not like to be the focus of attention. With point of departure in two cases, one from business and a student project, I will illustrate and discuss the use of personas as a mean to get users involved in innovation, address their needs, and at the same time be a platform that gives all participants equal involvement.
I aim to present a novel way of using role-playing, immersion, and personas. Two workshops are described and analysed in an attempt to explain one of the ways in which innovation and user participation are addressed and oriented towards acting out the future.

A persona is a fictitious user described with basis in data. The personas method is recognised in IT development within the private sector, but has spread to other areas such as marketing and product development. An example of how the method is used in marketing is the Japanese beer company Asahi Breweries that used personas to strategise the future of its Super Dry beer brand (Browne, Temkin & Geller, 2008). The most common use of personas is for a design team to use the user description to understand and engage in the user’s world in order to create new interaction forms or products that correlate with the users’ needs and contexts. In this use of personas actual users are present in the data, but not in the design process.
The workshops described here are based on 10 Steps to Personas (Nielsen, 2007). Key to the 10 steps are scenarios, that are stories describing the persona’s interaction with an interface or product. As a story, the scenario has a main character, a setting, a goal, it has actions that lead to the goal, and it has obstacles that hinder the way to the goal (Madsen & Nielsen, 2009).
The two cases show how users 1) are able to act as personas and be as creative as professional designers 2) use their understanding of the area in focus to create scenarios both from the perspective of personas that are similar to them, but also from personas that are different from them, because they are familiar with different behaviours within the given design area.

A professional case
Arla Foods amba wanted to innovate within the, until then unknown area of canteens. For the purpose of creating new products from user knowledge an innovation process was created that consisted of: Scientific data gathering. User data gathering – 4 dynamic focus groups, each video filmed. Data analysis. From the analysis a documentary film lasting 30 minutes and two personas were produced. An innovation workshop lasting two days.
The workshop had the following course of events: Introduction to data. A design game using the documentary and focusing on pain points. Presentation of findings in the game. Participatory innovation from personas and scenarios. Presentation and ranking of best ideas.
The participants that innovated were canteen managers, concept developers, persons from marketing, and engineers. All groups had at least one person from each category. Even though the canteen managers came on the second day of the workshop, they entered the groups without hesitation and got engaged in the creative process. It was easy for them to relate to the persona descriptions and they felt on equal foot with the designers.

A student case
The aim of the innovation session was to develop a tool that could support communication between soccer trainers, kids, and parents. Prior to the session, data was gathered from observations and focus groups. From this two personas that had different behaviour and media use were created as well as a number of scenarios that varied in situation and context. The participant was asked to go through all the scenarios from the point of view of both personas, with the intention of creating novel solutions.
The participant, a mother to a child who played soccer, had no problem in switching between the two personas even though only one resembled herself. She was able to drawn on her knowledge of other parents and their preferences and behaviour, but when she acted as the persona that resembled her-self, she often commented on the likeness, how she herself would react, and her own needs.

Browne, J., Temkin, B. D., Geller, S. 2008. Design Persona Best Practices From Japan. Examining How Four Organizations Successfully Use Design Personas. In Forrester Report, September 16, 2008

Madsen S. & Nielsen L. 2009. Using Storytelling to Improve Scenarios. In Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, February (pp. 25-27).

Medler, B. & Magerko, B. The Implications of Improvisational Acting and Role-Playing on Design Methodologies. CHI 2010: Dance, Dust, and Drama: Designing Design April 10–15, 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA (pp. 483-492)

Nielsen, L. 2007. Ten Steps to Personas,

The Pragmatic Persona

Personas can be used in more than one way. Sometimes the writing of a persona description helps frame the discussion about who the users actually are. In this instance, there might not be a lot of data behind the persona description, but the discussions about the descriptions can initiate that further data needs to be recorded. Sometimes there is no need to gather further data.

I will in the following report from a case where the goal was to do rapid prototypes and test these with users. We did not have any data except an initial description of the users described by the customers. In these descriptions, the focus was on age and use of technology.

As the prototypes were centred around going out and exploring the town, we took a Danish segment description Conzoom and looked at all the segments which enjoyed an evening out and were below the age of 49. This created a picture that we were actually dealing with two different categories: the young ones between 19 and 29 (students or with low incomes, who lived in rented flats in the city center or close by) and a group between the age of 30 and 49 (singles or couples who had had children late in life, with a very high income, who lived in owned estates close to the city center). This made us create Katja and Jan. We used the situations for Katja and Jan when we created scenarios for the prototype, their situations when we created tasks for the tests, and the descriptions in the process of recruiting users.

When doing the tests our assumptions about the users were confirmed, their attitude towards the service and their demands were distinctively different and fitted our descriptions. The users were so Katja and Jan, and for a couple of days, we became Katja and Jan spotters. During lunch or going out we constantly looked for Katjas’ and Jans’.

After the tests, we were able to refine the design and within a very short time span we had created a prototype that envisions the idea behind the service, is based on solid data, and has a lot more value during arguments with developers and managers than it would have had without the Katjas and Jans.

From the vague ideas about the users and a technical approach, we managed to create an initial user-centred design process that jumped several steps in the personas process (it included step 1, 2, 5, 6, 9). The process was pragmatic, but still added a lot of value. We now have an idea about what we do not know and in a further process, it becomes easier to refine the descriptions with more data.

Katja, age 25


 Katja, left, and her girlfriends having a party

Katja studies philosophy. She has a job in a small clothes shop with special design approximately 10 hours a week. She shares a flat in a cheap area near the city centre of Stuttgart with a friend. Katja loves going out, she meets friends at cafés and bars and loves to go to concerts, often small and cheap places.

Katja used to have a quite old mobile, but one night at a bar, it fell into the toilet and didn’t survive. She got her new GPS enabled phone from her parents at Christmas.

Jan, age 35

 Marion took this photo with her mobile phone, at one of their nights out.

Jan is a sales manager. He met Marion five years ago and they have got two children age 2 and 4. Marion is slightly older than Jan and knows what she wants. They bought a house in a nice area outside Frankfurt three years ago when Jan was promoted. Jan has a very busy day and many meetings in town.

Marion and Jan enjoy a night out once in a while. They know it is important to prioritize the relationship and once a month or every other month they have a carefully planned night out. Jan has a new mobile phone. He appreciates the values it signals over functionality.

En dialog om personas og pseudonymer

Thomas Tim Jensen spørger:

Hej Lene
Dine blog-indlæg her om personas er yderst interessante, og jeg havde derfor lyst til at læse mere på, som du linker til. Men access denied, desværre.

Jeg arbejder med personas i mit arbejde som kommunikationskonsulent – og jeg har længe intuitivt set en parallel mellem personas og pseudonymer.

Personas og pseudonymer har jo den afgørende forskel, at en persona er en fiktiv modtager, hvor et pseudonym er en fiktiv afsender. Spørgsmålet, som jeg ikke har tænkt igennem for alvor, er imidlertid, om ikke begge, altså persona og pseudonym, kan reduceres tilbage til samme udgangspunkt, og om ikke dette udgangspunkt så kan kaste værdifuldt nyt lys frem over såvel persona og pseudonym?

Og så et direkte spørgsmål til dig: Er en persona en repræsentant for eller en inkarnation af målgruppen?

Tak for indsigt i din blog.

Med venlig hilsen

Lene svarer:

Hej Thomas
Jeg har aldrig hørt om pseudonymer som metode. Kan du ikke forklare lidt mere om hvad det er? Har du en henvisning?

Du spørger: Og så et direkte spørgsmål til dig: Er en persona en repræsentant for eller en inkarnation af målgruppen?

Hverken eller. Det kommer an på hvordan du ser på begrebet målgruppe.
Jeg plejer at sige at personas er noget helt andet end målgrupper. Personas skal altid forstås sammen med det “domæne” som er aktuelt for designet eller problematikken. Det betyder at man kan have et sæt af personas, indenfor et givent “domæne” og et andet sæt hvis “domænet” ændrer sig – selvom målgruppen er den samme. Et eksempel – en bank har f.eks en målgruppe der er økonomisk velstillede personer ml 30 og 60. Hvis banken skal lave personas til alm. bankvirksomhed, regningsbetaling mm. så har de et sæt personas. Hvis de skal lave personas til pensionsområdet, så vil personas sættet se helt anderledes ud.

Nå det blev vist lidt langt. Men jeg håber, at det giver svar på dit spørgsmål.

Thomas replicerer:

Kære Lene

Tusind tak for dit svar ovre på min profil angående spørgsmålene om personas.Fiktive greb
Jeg har primært mødt personas i forhold til webtekster. Her er min ret intuitive tilgang til personas er helt klart filosofisk og litteraturteoretisk orienteret – og dette er også grunden til, at jeg inddrager pseudonymer i mine overvejelser over personas. Personas og pseudonymer har jo det til fælles, at de er fiktive greb i forhold til tekstens modtager (persona) eller dens afsender (pseudonym).Pseudonymer som kommunikativ metodeEt velkendt eksempel på pseudonymer som kommunikativ metode er jo Søren Kierkegaard, der tager et helt galleri af pseudonymer i brug i sin “indirekte Meddelelse” – og disse pseudonymer anvender Kierkegaard netop for på én gang at komme nærmere sine læsere og at skabe afstand til sine læsere, så de ved selvvirksomhed kan tilegne sig teksten.Pseudonym som litterær inkarnation
I den forstand kan Kierkegaards pseudonymer vel se som litterære inkarnationer af Kierkegaard, selvom pseudonymitetsproblematikken sagtens også kunne beskrives anderledes, afhængigt af ens metodik i Kierkegaard-fortolkningen.Personas – fiktion på modtagersiden
Personas ser jeg som en meget interessant metode inden for usability, webdesign og webtekster – fordi vi ligesom med pseodonymerne på afsendersiden arbejder med fiktion, abstrakter eller konstruktioner – blot på modtagersiden. Der er dog også den krølle på ordet “persona”, at det jo er latin og betyder “maske” – nemlig maske i et skuespil – altså maske for afsenderen, ikke modtageren. En lidt uheldig sproglig krølle i denne sammenhæng. Men det er jo blot konvention.Domæne eller livsverden skal medforstås
Jeg er også med på, når du siger, at personas hverken er inkarnationer eller repræsentatanter for målgruppen – idet du berettiget spiller begrebet om målgruppe op mod begrebet om “domæner” – eller livsverdener, om man vil. Nemlig de domæner eller livsverdener (det enkelte individs subjektive verden af normer og værdier, som sætter mennesket i stand til at færdes og handle i sociale fællesskaber – Habermas). I den forstand er en persona meget mere end målgruppen. En persona skal rumme de gennemgående træk ved den livsverden eller det domæne, som mågruppen befinder sig i – enig.Behov for yderligere refleksionDit svar, Lene, har været uhyre tankevækkende – og jeg ser et helt klart behov for at reflektere problemet om fiktive afsendere og fiktive modtagere langt dybere igennem. Man kunne i den forbindelse sagtens drage spørgsmål om chat-profiler, avatarer, Second Life, og spil-deltageres navne og deslige ind i denne refleksion – for også her bliver fiktionen en afgørende faktor i forståelsen. Fiktion som en af vor tids væsentligste kræfter i online universer. Persona eller maske som identitetsskabende og identitetsbærende kraft i en online tidsalder.


Lene svarer tilbage

Jeg har tænkt meget over dit svar som nu også ligger på min blog. Og du har en spændende pointe – den fiktive afsender. Og jeg ser absolut muligheder i at forfølge den. Mange virksomheder har brug for at se sig selv ikke bare som en entydig afsender, men som flere forskellige afsendere. Især på Corporate sites kan jeg se en virkelig styrke i at virksomheden tænker på sig selv som flere fiktive afsendere. Jeg kan forestille mig en afsender, der er ganske anderledes når det drejer sig om at tiltrække medarbejdere end når det drejer sig om at beskrive produkter f.eks. Og virksomheden vil måske lettere få øje på forskellighederne ved at blive opfattet som forskellige fiktive afsendere.

Et eksempel på en persona beskrivelse før og efter redigering

For nylig fik jeg en persona beskrivelse tilsendt fra Heidi Aarestrup fra Mark Information. Hun bad mig om at give feedback på beskrivelsen og det er jo sjældent man kan få lov til at følge en tilretningsproces, så jeg fik lov til at offentliggøre beskrivelsen.


Betty Dam Christensen

Betty er lønbogholder i en jysk virksomhed, der producerer halvfabrikata blandt andet til vindmølleproducenten Vestas A/S.

Betty er 57 år og bor sammen med sin mand, Claus, lidt uden for Kolding. Hendes veninde, Birgitte, og hendes familie mistede deres hus ved fyrværkeriulykken forrige år, så Betty bruger meget tid på at snakke med Birgitte om ulykken, for Birgitte er stadig mærket af katastrofen. Betty går og pusler med tanken om at invitere Birgitte og hendes familie med på en tur til Spanien, så Birgitte kan få lidt andet og tænke på. Turen har dog også et andet formål; Betty og Claus drømmer om at købe hus i Spanien, så de kan flytte derned, når Betty om fem år går på efterløn, så Betty vil også lede efter et sådant hus. Og det er et dilemma for Betty; for hun har egentlig ikke lyst til at skulle ”shoppe” hus med en veninde, der er trist – det kan kaste et kedeligt skær over hele huset, når der er en person, der ikke er positiv. Og så bryder Betty sig faktisk ikke ret meget om Birgittes mand; han er en rigtig navlepiller, der helst sidder hjemme og ser fodbold, hvorimod Betty og Claus meget hellere vil ud og spise en god middag, før de skal til koncert, f.eks. med Rolling Stones, i Horsens.

Betty har arbejdet i firmaet i 27 år og kender firmaets lønsystem som sin egen baglomme. For tre år siden besluttede ledelsen i firmaet, at implementere ProMark, fordi det efterhånden var blevet alt for besværligt at administrere timesedlerne for firmaets timelønnede medarbejdere. Firmaet kører både med ProTime og ProManagement. Det er Bettys ansvar at sørge for at tingene er sat ordentligt op i ProMark; at der eksisterer de fornødne konti, og at dagsprofiler, tillægsprofiler, osv. er opdaterede med de nyeste overenskomster. Dette er en opgave som Betty har taget på sig med noget rynkede bryn; hun synes at det der EDB er noget kompliceret noget, som er svært at finde rundt i. Hun er glad for at kunne benytte sig af Marks hotline, og gør det ofte, når tingene driller. Eksempelvis ringede hun til hotline i sidste uge, da de timelønnede ikke fik de tillæg, de skulle have. Hun var klar over, at der måtte være et eller andet galt med opsætningen af tillæggene i ProMark, men hun tør ikke selv gå ind og pille i opsætningen – hun vil gerne have assistance fra hotline, sådan at hun er sikker på at tingene kører rigtigt. Alligevel er Betty glad for ProMark, for det sparer hende og hendes kollegaer i lønbogholderiet for at skulle holde styr på de mange timesedler.


Mine kommentarer på beskrivelsen af Betty gik på to ting. Dels synes jeg at fokus på Betty forsvandt i den indledende beskrivelse, til fordel for en beskrivelse af veninden Birgitte. Det er for læseren meget svært at forholde sig til den lange beskrivelse af Birgitte og hendes tragedie, hvor empatien flyttes over på hende og væk fra Betty.samtidig havde jeg svært ved rigtig at leve mig ind i Betty.
Den anden kommentar jeg havde var at det er en meget lang beskrivelse, der er svær at overskue og dermed svær at huske. Ved at bryde teksten op bliver den overskuelig for læseren.


Betty Dam Christensen, 57 år, lønbogholder.

Betty er lønbogholder i en jysk virksomhed, der producerer halvfabrikata blandt andet til vind­mølle­pro­ducenten Vestas A/S. Hun er uddannet kontorassistent på Ligningskontoret i Kolding kommune.


Betty bor sammen med sin mand, Claus, lidt uden for Kolding. De har ingen børn, men til gengæld to norske skovkatte, Fnug og Bettemus. Betty er en omsorgsfuld kvinde; hun bruger blandt andet meget tid på at tale med sin veninde, Birgitte, som mistede sit hus ved fyrværkeriulykken forrige år, for Birgitte er stadig mærket af katastrofen.

Betty er en livsnyder, der holder af at hygge sig med et slag bridge med veninderne. Betty og Claus går ofte ud og spiser en god middag, eller tager til koncert. Sidst var de til koncert med Rolling Stones i Horsens, for som Betty siger, så er hun ”selv en gammel rullesten”.


Betty har arbejdet i firmaet i 27 år og kender firmaets lønsystem som sin egen baglomme – hun er ansvarlig for at køre lønnen. Hun indberetter også barsel, skat, dagpengerefusion, osv.

Betty holder af sit arbejde, hun kan godt lide at have svar på rede hånd, når de timelønnede kigger ind forbi, når der er noget på lønsedlen, de ikke helt forstår.


For tre år siden besluttede ledelsen i firmaet, at implementere ProMark, fordi det efterhånden var blevet alt for omkostningstungt at administrere timesedlerne for firmaets timelønnede med­ar­bej­dere. Firmaet kører både med ProTime og ProManagement. Det er Bettys ansvar at sørge for at tingene er sat ordentligt op i ProMark; at der eksisterer de fornødne konti, og at dagsprofiler, til­lægs­profiler, osv. er opdaterede med de nyeste overenskomster.


Administrationen af ProMark er en opgave som Betty har taget på sig med noget rynkede bryn; hun synes at det der EDB er noget kompliceret noget, som er svært at finde rundt i. Hun er glad for at kunne benytte sig af Marks hotline, og gør det ofte, når tingene driller. Eksempelvis ringede hun til hotline i sidste uge, da de timelønnede ikke fik de tillæg, de skulle have. Hun var klar over, at der måtte være et eller andet galt med opsætningen af tillæggene i ProMark, men hun tør ikke selv gå ind og pille i opsætningen – hun vil gerne have assistance fra hotline, sådan at hun er sikker på at tingene kører rigtigt. Betty kender ikke noget til hjælpefunktionen i ProMark, den blev ikke gennemgået på kurset.

Selvom Betty nogle gange løber panden mod en mur, er hun alligevel glad for ProMark, for det sparer hende og hendes kollegaer i lønbogholderiet for at skulle holde styr på de mange timesedler.


Betty går og pusler med tanken om at invitere Birgitte og hendes familie med på en tur til Spanien, så Birgitte kan få lidt andet og tænke på. Turen har dog også et andet formål; Betty og Claus drømmer om at købe hus i Spanien, så de kan flytte derned, når Betty om fem år går på efterløn, så Betty vil også lede efter et sådant hus. Og det er et dilemma for Betty; for hun har egentlig ikke lyst til at skulle ”shoppe” hus med en veninde, der er trist – det kan kaste et kedeligt skær over hele huset, når der er en person, der ikke er positiv. Og så bryder Betty sig ikke om Birgittes mand; han er en rigtig navlepiller, der helst sidder hjemme og ser fodbold.


Fra mit synspunkr er beskrivelsen blevet meget bedre. Jeg kan forholde mig til Betty, jeg kan forstå hende. Noget af det der er med til dette er f.eks. kommentaren om at Betty føler sig som en gammel rullesten, den er med til at give hende kant (et andet karaktertræk, der tale imod hendes overordnede karaktertræk) og dermed skabe empati og identifikation. Billedet og teksten beskriver en på mange måder nydelig og konservativdame, som man ikke umiddelbart forbinder med rock koncerter, men pludselig bliver Betty lidt sjovere, lidt skrappere og ikke nær så nydelig.

Personas – as part of a user-centered innovation process

This article was first published at HCI Vistas

I recently hosted a personas workshop aimed at innovation within dairy products. It was with some nervousness I went into a process that is quite far from IT, web design, mobile software, and the familiar boundaries of technology. Interestingly the personas method seems to function in other settings as well and – more interestingly with methods from a more traditional field of innovation.

The aim of the workshop was to innovate on products or invent completely new products. The participants were a mixed crowd: engineers, anthropologists, a product designer, a chef, concept developers, and project managers.

Collecting data

Before the workshop an anthropology study was carried out and data from a number of interviews and visits with Danish families were analyzed. Notes from these visits formed the basis for the personas categories and descriptions.

Concurrently a series of focus groups conducted with the method “Desired Outcomes” were hosted by Axel Rosenø. The desired outcome method focuses on problems to overcome in future design. These are prioritized and used in innovation workshops. In this case a list of outcomes for different handlings of dairy products were extracted and together with a list of ideas extracted from the visits and interviews formed the basis for scenarios.

Making personas

In this case the anthropology study were analyzed separately and presented to the participants. Interestingly enough it seems that the level of analysis in the two studies – anthropology and personas – is quite different. The analysis of the first study focuses on communalities and is reported on a concrete level, while analysis of the same material, when used for a personas process, focuses on differences and extraction into categories and is reported on an abstract level. In this case the anthropology study reported similarities within e.g. attitudes to health, some view a healthy body as a slim body others view the body as a functional body that can be optimized by eating healthy food.

In order to create personas an organization of the data into high order categories were necessary. A high order category was e.g. move-ability whether the persona took in new inspirations or acted mainly on habits. Another category was whether the persona had an ideal she strived to live after or if she lived after an everyday practice. The categories served to put each person into a grid that became the foundation for the personas – persons that were close together, but far away from others, formed a cloud of people with similarities. The cloud became the foundation for a persona description.

The move from facts to categories is in my experience one of the most difficult part of the personas process. Pruitt and Adlin (2006) describe it as going from factoids to clusters, where factoids are groups of facts that in a later process are transformed into high order clusters. In the 10 Steps to Personas method I describe it as going from a hypothesis, over verification, to the final patterns.

Getting to understand the personas

The persona and scenario workshop started by introducing the personas to the group. Each group were handed a personas description and asked to find a photo that illustrated their persona. To flick through photo databases and discuss how the written description can be expressed visually, forces the participants to delve into the text and to begin to imagine their understanding of the persona. In my experience most groups begin with a discussion of the hairstyle and how the hair expresses the inner values of the persona. This leads to discussions of other values and how they can be expressed visually.

Future scenarios

Inspired by design games a group of innovators were given:

· A persona description,

· A handful of ideas each written on a card (idea cards)

· A set of cards each with a problem described on it (problem cards).

The participants were asked to group the cards and ascribe headlines to the groups. The aim of this was to get the participants to understand the problem and ideas that were discovered during the field work.

Then each group were handed a situation for their persona and asked to create a scenario for their persona taking into account the ideas and problems on the cards.

In the room were different kinds of tools – foam blocks, large sheets of paper, scissors, and Stanley knifes – all served as inspiration tools and helped the participants to act the scenarios out and to create props. During the enactments the participants found new ideas and developed concepts that were later presented for the whole team.

Benefits from personas in innovation

As one of the participant’s expressed “now we are working inside out, normally we work outside in” with this he had the feeling that for the first time they invented from within the user, by understanding the user, instead of trying to push products to the users. The participants had a feeling of knowing the different users, their very different daily lives, the problems they are confronted with, and the values they apply to the problems. From this there seemed to grow, not radical innovation, but solutions to real problems.

The benefit of the acted scenarios, in this case, was the understanding of the context in which the products had to be used and an innovation that took a point of departure in both the personas and the contexts. Most of the participants acted the scenarios out, playing the part of the persona and of people in the surroundings. They used props to illustrate the handling of different products and this way got ideas for new products as well as tested these.

Benefits from using “desired outcomes”

The desired outcomes seemed to provide a setting for the scenarios. In my experience, as I have mentioned in an earlier article, 10 Steps to Personas, there is a tendency to create scenarios with a very happy outcome that overlook conflicts, obstacles, and critical instances in the scenarios. By focusing on problems the desired outcomes method seems to be able to create an awareness of the critical instances and get the participants to include these in the scenarios.

An Empirical Study of the Inventive Aspects of Narrative Scenarios in IT Redesign

Written by:
Sabine Madsen, Department of Informatics, CBS, Howitzvej 60, 2000 Frederiksberg,
Lene Nielsen, Snitker & Co., Bredgade 21B, 2160 Copenhagen K,

The purpose of this paper is to understand how and what types of innovation that occur when using the persona/narrative scenario method for IT redesign. The paper reports from a one-day workshop held as a part of a large project concerned with redesign of an e-report portal for Danish governmental bodies. The aim of the workshop was to generate narrative scenarios about the future use of e-reports based on already developed personas. The research shows that: a) innovation occurs as the conversation unfolds and that the unfolding conversation is structured by the participants’ focus on the persona, the scenario assignment, and existing IT oriented artifacts, b) barriers for innovation emerge in the form of the participants’ reliance on existing artifacts, lack of exploration of the obstacles the persona might encounter, and their problems capturing insights and ideas in writing, c) different approaches to scenario development generate different levels of abstraction and empathy and that these levels seem to relate to the types of innovation that occurs, i.e. IT design ideas and/or understanding of users. Based on the research findings, areas for future research are proposed.


Mainstream information systems development (ISD) methods emphasize thorough expert-driven analysis of information and systems requirements and systematic well-planned processes [12]; [19]; [2]. In contrast, methods from the field of Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) focus on collaborative design processes that view IT development from the user’s perspective and for his/hers benefit. The persona/narrative scenario method for IT design is positioned within the HCI field. It is a ‘soft’ and creative method – and especially so from an ISD perspective – for generating knowledge about users (persona), i.e. who they are and what they value, as well as new ideas for how they will and should use the IT product in the future (scenario) [18]. But how much do we actually know about the persona/narrative scenario method’s ability to create new insights into users and innovative ideas about IT systems? The HCI literature reveals a lack of empirical studies that address the inventive aspects of narrative scenarios in general and in particular when it comes to the method’s application to redesign of already existing IT systems.

The purpose of this paper is to understand how and what types of innovation that occur when using the persona/narrative scenario method for IT redesign. Numerous definitions of the concept of innovation exist [9]. In this paper, an innovation is defined as ‘new to the workshop participants’ [9]. The paper presents an empirical study of a one-day workshop held as a part of a large development project concerned with redesign of a portal of e-reports for Danish governmental bodies. The aim of the workshop was to generate narrative scenarios about the future use of the e-reports based on already developed personas. 16 people from several areas, such as IT development, graphical design, user interface design, and user rights, as well as customer representatives working with marketing/content and project management participated in the workshop. The research was conducted by the two paper authors in the roles of action researcher and present, non-participating observer respectively.

The narrative scenario

Even though the HCI literature contains different approaches to scenarios, the communality is that scenarios are viewed as stories told in different media, i.e. via talk, text, drawings, film, etc. The scenario – or story – is a linear sequence of events that progresses towards a goal, there is a human agent, and actions happening between a human agent and an IT system. IT design scenarios can be viewed from two different approaches: an approach focusing on the system (the system approach) and an approach focusing on the human agent (the narrative approach) [15]. The difference between the two approaches is how much emphasis is put on describing the use and/or on understanding the user.

In the systems approach the focus is on describing the use of the IT system, its functionality, and the actions the system performs. This is expressed in the statement: “Scenarios compel attention to the use that will be made of the design product.” [7] p. 15. Thus, the aim of a system approach scenario is to provide an accurate description that tries to predict the future system and its use, e.g. in the form of a use case [15].

The narrative approach focuses on understanding the user, the user’s motivation for system use, and s/he’s different choices when using the system. The narrative approach is closely connected to the persona method, expressed as: “Scenarios written around personas tend to clearly highlight the impact of your design on your target users.”[18] p. 380. The aim of the narrative scenario is to explore, to stimulate the imagination, and to support the creative process. Narrative scenarios can be used to compare different ways for the user to achieve the same goal and/or to evaluate and decide between different design suggestions [17], [4]. They can also be used to explore design solutions [6], [13] not only for ordinary use, but also for extreme situations, e.g. problem scenarios or scenarios for people with special needs [11]. The problem scenario is in line with the literary story form as it focuses on the tension and interplay between the established and the extraordinary, and how the dramatic elements move the story forward [8].

The narrative scenario follows a linear story structure with a beginning, middle, and end. Moreover, in line with narrative theory [1] it contains four elements:

  • A setting, where the user, the context of use, and the situation that starts the use are presented.
  • A goal, i.e. what the user wants to achieve.
  • A plot, i.e. the way actions develops towards the goal.
  • A resolution, where the user either achieves the goal or, in scenarios with a negative outcome [6], do not.

The narrative scenario relies on a persona description. This description is not part of the scenario, but forms the basis for understanding what the persona does and why the user chooses to act as s/he does.

This paper presents findings from a workshop that draws on the narrative scenario as a story, which focuses on the user and serves as a means for investigating IT design problems and solutions as well as support of creativity.

The case

It is the strategy in Denmark that all communication between companies and government is to be digital in the near future. is part of this strategy. It is a portal that contains more than 1500 forms, which can be used by companies to report to governmental bodies in Denmark. Today the forms can either be printed and sent by post or filled in digitally and returned by e-mail. In the future all forms must be reported digitally.

The process of reporting involves different stakeholders (e.g. tax authorities) who develop the forms, receivers of the forms (e.g. an administrative employee), and the person reporting (e.g. an accountant). has existed for some years, but has not been widely used due to technical problems and a lack of focus on e-reporting. This paper reports from the redesign of the portal.

Quite early on in the redesign process it was decided to use personas and scenarios as it was the hope that user centered methods could help overcome the problems with lack of use. A structure for the process was proposed and accepted. Experience shows [18] that it is of great importance to involve and get buy-in from all those who participate in the development process. A series of workshops was therefore proposed, based on 10 steps to persona/narrative scenarios developed by one of the paper authors.

The first workshop covered the first three steps: 1. Finding the users. Surveys about e-reporting and interviews with staff at the help desk provided the data. 2. Building a hypothesis. 3. Verification. The workshop lasted half a day and participants were stakeholders, customer representatives, and consultants. In the workshop the participants were presented with the analysis of the data about the users. The aim was to validate the findings from the data gathering session.

The second workshop covered the next 2 steps: 4. Finding patterns. 5. Constructing personas. The workshop lasted half a day and saw the involvement of the same participants as in the first workshop. The participants were introduced to the persona method and asked to write personas descriptions.

The final workshop concerned the last five steps. 6. Defining situations. 7. Validation and buy-in. 8. Dissemination of knowledge. 9. Scenarios. 10. On-going development. The third workshop was a full day workshop aimed at finding photos for the persona descriptions and creating scenarios. Participants were customer representatives, graphic designers, and programmers and covered several areas: development, user rights, graphical design, and marketing. Three of the customer representatives had participated in the earlier workshops, but most of the participants had not previously partaken in the persona/scenario development process.

The aim of the workshop was twofold, namely to get the workshop participants 1) to engage in the persona descriptions, and 2) to use the narrative scenario method to create further insight into users as well as new IT design ideas. The 16 workshop participants were divided into four groups. In the first part of the workshop the groups were asked to find and present a relevant photo that illustrated a written persona description. In the second part of the workshop the narrative scenario method was first introduced. Then each group got a starting situation for their persona, developed a scenario, and presented it to the other groups. This particular design for the third workshop day was chosen because previous research has shown that the prerequisites for collective learning and generation of ideas are that a shared knowledge base is established, that insights are actively processes through joint reflection, negotiation, and expansion, and that storytelling is a relevant means for building a shared understanding, for making sense of past actions, and for envisioning the future [5] [16].

This paper reports from the second part of the third workshop concerned with narrative scenario development and presentation.


In this section, the analysis of the four groups’ scenarios is outlined to provide an overview of how and what types of innovation that occurred in the workshop. Subsequently, we investigate how one group developed the scenario in order to understand the inventive aspects of the persona/narrative scenario method in more detail.

Presenting Scenarios

The four groups were asked to give a short oral presentation of the scenarios they had developed and to show their written scenarios on a large screen.

The analysis of the plenary session shows that the four groups used three distinctively different approaches to scenarios with regard to the form of the developed scenario and its oral presentation.

  • Approach 1: An oral scenario based on discussions was presented as a simple story, used by group one (Persona: Karina).
  • Approach 2: A short scenario was written and presented as a more enhanced oral story, used by group two (Persona: Michael) and three (Persona: Jesper).
  • Approach 3: A scenario was written and read out load as an elaborate story, used by group four (Persona: Dorte).

The three approaches and the innovations they generate are presented below.

Approach 1: Oral scenario, simple story

The first group had chosen not to write anything down during the scenario development session. The oral presentation of the group’s work was a story that developed smoothly as the persona, Karina, did not encounter any problems. The plot of the scenario was as follows. Karina is presented as an employee in a large company and as an efficient, no nonsense person. She logs in on the front page, finds The Statistical Bank of Denmark, presses wage statistics, and finds sickness benefit. She meets different areas of reporting. She begins to report. She ends by signing with her digital signature as she has done many times before. The system asks if she wants to continue, archive, or quit. She quits. If she looks for information, she uses the search field.

The causal plot has the minimum characteristics of a story: there is a setting, but the story unfolds in a non described surrounding. There is a goal, which drives the story forward. There is a character and her actions are coherent with her character description, e.g. she is the oldest of four siblings, she is used to taking decisions, and she is therefore the company’s administrator of, but apart from the introduction, the character was not elaborated on.

The group investigated the system on an abstract level, like what kinds of areas Karina meets, and they e.g. referred to icons and reports as: “an icon in some form”, “a digital report or another kind of report”. Moreover, the group did not investigate the problems that may be connected to reporting. Even a rather complex area such as control of user rights was dealt with in a superficial way. “She is Virk administrator. This means that no matter what she is reporting she will be able to control user rights.” (Presenter, Group 1).

From the oral narrative the group came up with two IT design ideas:

  • An icon showing whether the report is in digital form or not.
  • The  user expects to be able to see reports dating 5 yers back

Approach 2: Short scenario, enhanced story

The second group explored how their persona, Michael, uses as it is today. The story had a refined set-up with introduction of time and context. Michael, who is the owner of a small shop, closes his shop for the day and has dinner and a glass of wine with his wife. Then he turns on the PC and looks for information on VAT on imports from Turkey. The plot advances despite Michael’s lack of IT skills. He searches using Google, tries things out, follows links, reads. He is familiar with another system “Startvækst”, he searches there, finds a link to the tax authorities, and surfs for fun on, where he does not find what he is looking for. The story ends as Michael gives up and decides to call his accountant the next day.

The written scenario was very short, while the oral narrative was more enhanced. The overall story related to the persona and he was prominent in the plot, whereas received only little attention. Possibilities for helping Michael overcome the identified obstacles were not explored.

The written scenario story had a post script, where the group introduced search engine optimizing. This item was perceived by the group as an innovation together with the introduction of mutual text links to related sites, such as tax authorities, but the scenario did not result in actual IT design ideas.

The third group also wrote a short scenario, which was enhanced in the oral presentation. The written scenario vividly described the 2nd of January 2008, the first day after the Christmas holiday, where Jesper, who is an accountant, has a huge pile of work that has to be done. The oral story described the context of Jesper’s work day in even more detail than the written scenario.

The plot of the story is as follows. When Jesper has to report the first instance for a customer, he realizes that has changed. The realization comes when his bookmarks no longer work. He logs in, keeps focus on his task and finishes what he intends to do, but pays attention to the new functionalities and makes a mental note of exploring the new site later. The urge to explore is motivated by his inclination to help his colleagues. This explanation created an easy frame for an otherwise very sensitive area, namely when and why do users explore and come to understand the new system and its functionalities? However, the group only touched upon the subject without examining it further.

Both the written scenario and the oral presentation here of started with a focus on Jesper, but as the written and the oral story progressed, Jesper was forgotten in favor of a focus on the system.

The group explored three critical incidents:

  • The start where Jesper’s bookmarks no longer work and how to guide him to a log in and an understanding of the redesigned site.
  • Problems concerning bookmarks and how Jesper or the system can recreate them in the new system.
  • Jesper’s need for a view that concerns both the companies he represents and himself.

Each of the incidents led to new IT design ideas.

Approach 3: Written scenario, elaborate story

The fourth group chose a quite different approach as they wrote a scenario centered round their persona Dorte, a secretary in a small company. For presenting, they chose to read from the scenario without showing anything on the screen. The narrative was very detailed. It quite thoroughly explored the situation Dorte is in when she tries for the first time as well as her need for guidance. In the scenario, Dorte has received her digital signature and invites her son to dinner to get him to guide her through She logs on, searches for reimbursement of trainee wages and recognizes the relevant link as it has the same name as the paper-based form she has used previously. Before she can fill in the form she has to accept an agreement with She gets confused, but her son reassures her. Dorte accepts, and begins her task of filling in the form. She sends in the form, receives an acceptance, and prints the form. When quitting she receives a message saying that the form is not saved under her favorites with an option to save. Again, Dorte gets confused, but with her son’s encouragement she chooses “save as favorite”.

The group presented afterthoughts as they were aware that they had written a rather idyllic scenario, where they did not explore the problems Dorte might encounter.

The story had intense descriptions of Dorte’s feelings and thoughts. It established an understanding of Dorte and her needs and advanced ideas concerned with how to communicate to and with Dorte.

Scenario presentation summary

The analysis of the scenario presentation session shows that innovation occurred via the groups’ different approaches to scenario development. The different approaches in turn generated different levels of abstraction and empathy that seem to relate to the type of innovations that were created.

The first two approaches can be characterized as abstract rather than empathic. They focused on the IT system and are close to the type of scenarios described earlier as the systems approach. They seemed to generate several new IT design ideas. In contrast, the third approach emphasizes empathy and ability to put oneself in the persona’s position. It was more concrete, maintained a focus on the user, and was closer to the type of scenarios described earlier as the narrative approach. The third approach generated insight into the user’s thoughts and feelings, and ideas for textual communication to the user when interacting with the IT system.

The analysis also reveals that barriers for the groups’ innovativeness emerged in the form of reliance on the existing, e.g. group two focused on Michael’s use of the existing system rather than of the new, and all groups’ lack of exploration of the obstacles their persona might encounter. Thus, while group two and three mentioned problem areas, none of the groups sought to clearly define the problems and they did not try to find ways to help their persona overcome them.

The following section takes a closer look at one group’s approach to scenario development.

Developing Scenarios

Before the groups presented their scenarios, a scenario development session was held. The session lasted a little less than one hour during which the third group, i.e. the Jesper group, was both video-filmed and observed for a total of 51.10 minutes. The group consisted of four people with one person from IT development (Person1) and three customer representatives (Person2 who had participated in the earlier workshops, Person3, and Person4). Person1 and Person3 had access to laptop computers. Person1 used his laptop to take notes during the group’s conversation and to write the scenario. Person3’s laptop provided the group with access to the old During the scenario development session, the group had access to and used a number of artifacts, i.e. the old, a paper-based prototype of the new, the persona description, and the start situation. The group’s persona is Jesper, a 29-year old married man, who has recently become a farther, likes sports, is ambitious, and works as an accountant. The start situation states that “Jesper is used to but suddenly it looks different. How does he react? How does he get [his bookmarks] into the new system? How does Jesper use ‘MyPage’?” (Start situation).

The Jesper group’s development of the scenario unfolded as follows. Person1 read the first lines of the start situation and the group immediately started discussing how experienced Jesper is with the old and how he uses it. Here, they used Person3’s laptop to go through the old system. Having established that as an accountant Jesper is an experienced user, they continued to talk about how he would be likely to approach the new on the first day. After a 10 minute discussion Person1 returned to the start situation and read the next line concerning bookmarks. Person2 remembered that the new paper-based prototype from the graphical design agency contains an example of how the new might deal with bookmarks and the group continued their conversation by drawing on the old and the new paper-based prototype as reference points. After 20 minutes Person1 realized and remarked that even though it is helpful to know what the old and the new system does they seemed to have forgotten about Jesper as a specific person. This caused the group to shift their attention back to Jesper. The group believed that Jesper is interested and expectant about getting a new work tool and that he will be motivated to become an experienced user of the new, and quickly, as his family situation and work load makes it important for him to be efficient. Moreover, he wants to get prestige from his colleagues and superiors. After 27.50 minutes Person1 smiled and said that he had written a lot of notes, but that they also had to write a story. For the next 13 minutes the group continued their talk about Jesper as an agent who interacts with the new, while Person1 shifted between contributing to the conversation, taking notes, and writing the scenario. During the last 10-12 minutes of the session the group focused exclusively on writing the scenario.

Method use

The description of the Jesper group’s scenario development session reveals a number of interesting points about their use of the persona/narrative scenario method.

First, the group did not at any point in time read the start situation carefully and in full. Yet, the start situation played a significant role in structuring the content of the conversation. E.g., the start situation states that Jesper uses the new for the first time and as the group members know that the new site will be launched on the 1st January 2008 they assumed that Jesper’s first day of work and of using the new is on the 2nd January 2008. This lead to discussions of whether Jesper knows that has been relaunched (especially since it has just been December and holiday), how he will find the new site, if and how he will login, if and when he might need help, if and how he will transfer or recreate his old bookmarks, that it is important for him to set up the new system to save as many clicks as possible, and if and how he will know when he is acting in as himself or on behalf of his/company’s customers. Thus, the start situation caused the Jesper group to discuss how Jesper, as an experienced user of the old, will go about becoming efficient in using the new system.

Second, it took 27.50 minutes before the group started paying attention to the fact that they had to write a scenario and that the written scenario had to be based on the start situation and follow a certain narrative form. Especially Person1 took it upon himself to ensure that they returned to the start situation to refresh their memory several times during the session and it was also him who recorded key words on his laptop during their conversation, reminded the others that they had to write a story, and who actually wrote the scenario in the end.

Third, just like the group was conscious that they were not paying quite enough attention to the start situation and to the fact that they had to write a scenario that follows a specific form, they were aware that they were not focusing on the crisis, or the dramatic elements of the story about Jesper’s use of the new system. Thus, during their conversation Person2 reminded the others that “[B]ut just to get the obstacles and the conflict into it, right…then Jesper has more of a problem seeing how his company is going to get started [with the new]”, but the missing crisis was immediately forgotten again and it was not until Person1 was deeply immersed in writing the story that they returned to the issue. Thus, while writing Person1 suddenly started smiling broadly and said that it is easy to write “He logs in. He gets the right information. He solves his tasks easy and efficiently”, Person4 continued to say “and then he goes home happy” and Person3 threw her arms up and added “It was a success!”. They all laughed, knowing that their scenario lacks drama and that it is much easier to write it than it will be to develop it and for Jesper to use it on the first day.

In general, the Jesper group talked a lot, and a lot more than they wrote and they had problems capturing the understandings and design ideas that emerged during their conversation, and in particular capturing them in the form of a scenario. This is illustrated by the following comment by Person1, who stated that “I’m writing some things here, notes for us, ideas, and solutions, and stuff, and then I write the actual story afterwards.”. However, because they had to write and when they wrote the scenario they were forced to focus on the persona and on understanding system use from the persona’s point of view.

Conversation content

It is noteworthy that the group on several occasions seemed to ‘forget’ their persona, especially when they conversed about technical possibilities, the paper prototype and its functionality, as well as the need for marketing of the new, and when and what type of help texts people (not Jesper) in general would need. The time that the group spent talking about technical possibilities, the paper prototype, and marketing/information needs as abstract topics without making any references at all to the persona amounts to approx. 8 minutes. Moreover, the group spent approx. 10 minutes from 10.01 to 20.31 minutes into the session talking about the old and the paper-based prototype and even though they did try to view the old and the new system from Jesper’s perspective, Jesper had become a more generalized user and it took reminding for them to return to viewing Jesper as a specific person with a particular family and work situation.

With this said, the group did spend most of the time focusing on Jesper, displaying different degrees of certainty about who Jesper is as a person and what he does as an agent, who interacts with the system and who might act differently, e.g., depending on whether he knows that has been relaunched or not. Especially Person2 was very good at keeping the persona in mind, thereby ensuring that the other group members also viewed the abstract, e.g. IT oriented topic under discussion from Jesper’s perspective. In general, as the conversation flowed and with some reminding from the two champions concerned with the scenario assignment (Person1) and the persona (Person2) respectively, the group members seemed to shift easily between their concrete persona and the more abstract topics of technical possibilities and the needs and wants of users as a general group of people.

However, as mentioned, the group experienced problems capturing their understandings and design ideas in writing as they emerged. For example, there was much talk about the need to inform people and Jesper about the relaunch of and if, how, and what type of help Jesper would be interested in. The group agreed that as Jesper is an experienced user who wants efficiency and prestige he is likely to be informed about the changed site via email, the press, and perhaps via a top banner campaign run on the old The need for top banners was a new idea that came about because the group members realised that when using the old Jesper is likely to go straight to his favourite links e.g. via bookmarks and therefore he will never see the news section on the current’s main page. Moreover, the group agreed that when Jesper starts using the new for the first time he will not be interested in reading much text “[a]nd he definitely does not want to see a film” (Person3) to learn about the site; rather he will only seek help if, and only if he is unable to proceed on his own accord and he will only want short, precise bullet-point information about the specific problem he is facing. Despite the amount of time the group devoted to discussing this topic, none of the understandings and ideas about people’s, and Jesper’s need for information about the new and its functionality was included in the written scenario or in the oral presentation here of. However, they were recorded in the group’s notes document.

Scenario development summary

The analysis of the scenario development session shows that new insights and ideas emerged as the Jesper group’s conversation unfolded. The insights and ideas were captured in a notes document and in the written scenario. The conversation was structured, and therefore also both enabled and constrained [10], by the scenario assignment, the group’s knowledge about and focus on the persona, and their use of the old and the paper-based prototype of the new as reference points. In general, it was difficult for the group to move beyond the existing IT oriented artifacts and come up with completely new IT design ideas. However, the group’s conversation did lead to the following new understandings and ideas:

1) An increased understanding of Jesper’s/experienced users’ marketing/information needs and ideas about how to meet them (e.g. via top banners and short, contextual help texts).

2) An increased understanding of Jesper as a person, and as a prototypical example of the experienced old user, his motivations for quick learning and personalizing of (e.g. by setting up ‘MyPage’ and recreating bookmarks), and his different choices when interacting with the system in order to learn and personalize it.

3) Two IT design ideas that permits Jesper to see who he is acting for and which links and forms he used when he was last working for that particular company.

Summary and discussion

Based on action research of a workshop held with 16 participants divided into four groups, this paper contributes to the fields of ISD and HCI with knowledge about how and what types of innovation that occur in practice when using the persona/narrative scenario method for redesign of an existing IT system.

Analysis of one group’s scenario development shows that new insights and ideas emerged as the group’s conversation unfolded and that the unfolding conversation was both enabled and constrained by the scenario assignment, the group’s focus on the persona, and their use of the old system and the paper-based prototype of the new system as reference points. Analysis of all four groups’ developed scenarios and the oral presentations here of, shows that innovation occurred via the groups’ different approaches to scenario development.

The four groups used three distinctively different approaches. The approaches differed with regard to the form of the developed scenario, its oral presentation as well as its level of abstraction and/or empathy.

  • Approach 1: One group presented an oral scenario as a simple story. The outcome was an abstract scenario that generated IT design ideas.
  • Approach 2: Two groups wrote a short scenario and presented it as a more enhanced oral story. The outcome were scenarios with a medium level of abstraction and some empathy that primarily generated IT design ideas, but which also led to some understanding of the user’s broader context and information needs.
  • Approach 3: One group wrote a detailed scenario and read it out load as an elaborate story. The outcome was a very concrete and empathic scenario that provided understanding of the user’s thoughts, and feelings. New ideas concentrated on the textual communication to the user when interacting with the system.

The different characteristics of the three approaches to scenario development and presentation seem to lead to different types of innovations, i.e. IT design ideas and/or understanding of users. In particular the form of the developed scenario – whether it was merely an outline of or a fully written story – seems to play an influential role for the resulting type of innovation.

Even though all groups generated new and different types of ideas and understandings, barriers for their ability to innovate emerged because:

  • They relied on existing IT oriented artifacts, which made it difficult for them to come up with completely new IT design ideas. This issue is probably more pronounced in this case concerned with IT redesign than it would be in IT design. In general, the use of scenarios for redesign and the special challenges her of receive scant attention in the existing literature.
  • The groups did not seek to clearly identify, define, and solve the problems their persona might experience when using the system. The tendency to develop very optimistic scenarios that focus on actions and solutions rather than problems and conflicts has not, to our knowledge, been theoretically or empirically explored.
  • The groups talked a lot more than they wrote and they had problems capturing their ideas and understandings, and especially in the form of a written story.  Our research shows that scenarios support a focus on the system and the user’s interaction with the system and might spark discussions of the broader context of use, e.g. marketing and information needs. However, issues related to the broader context are not easily included in the actual story.

CONCLUSIONIn the future workshop facilitators have to consider that different approaches to scenario development and presentation lead to different types of innovation. Moreover they have to be aware that there might be barriers for innovation, and to overcome these, that participants have to be assisted.

For these reasons we will in our future research of similar workshops, where the persona/narrative scenario method is used for both IT design and redesign, address the identified barriers for innovation. The aim is to experiment with and analyze the results of different ways of helping workshop participants look beyond existing IT oriented artifacts, e.g. by ‘forbidding’ access, and to assist them in writing more and focusing more on the problematic issues of the scenario, e.g. via: a) use of a more structured scenario assignment that consists of two templates, one for taking notes as input for the story and one for writing the story, and/or b) by developing first, an optimistic and second, a pessimistic version of the scenario.


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Using Storytelling to Identify Requirements – Exploring Persona-Scenarios in Context


By Sabine Madsen, Lene Nielsen

In this paper we explore the persona-scenario method as a means for requirements determination. More specifically, we investigate how the method can support groups of diverse ISD project participants in constructing and presenting multiple stories that complement each other in generating many, new, and shared understandings and design ideas. As persona-scenarios are stories about personas using IT systems we draw on narrative theory to define what a persona-scenario is and which narrative elements it should consist of. The conceptual clarification is used as an analytical lens for understanding an empirical study of a workshop that was held as a part of a large project concerned with redesign of an e-report portal for Danish governmental bodies. The aim of the workshop was to develop persona-scenarios about the future use of e-reports. A key finding is that despite our inherent human ability to construct, tell, and interpret stories it is not easy to write and present a good, coherent, and design-oriented story without methodical support. The paper therefore contributes to the field of ISD with theoretical and empirically grounded guidelines that delineate a) what a design-oriented persona-scenario should consist of (product) and b) how to write it (procedure) in order to generate and validate as many, new, and shared understandings and design ideas as possible (purpose).

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Tags: e-reportinginformation systems developmentnarrative theoryPersonas (DK)scenariosStorytelling

Persona and Scenario Practitioner Inquiry

Nick Trendov wrote:Lene,as a story teller I appreciate your persona descriptions highly.I have used stories, personas and scenarios for over 15 years in business and will teach an advanced Analytics and Scenario Analysis for Competitive Advantage at the University of Toronto in early 2008.

My contribution to the topic is the ability to link stories and numbers via personas with this simple mantra–

Tell a story twice and a process is documented, three times and software is written, four times and brand value is created, five times and a measure or KPI is built.

Any suggestions to persona or scenario links would be appreciated, especially any work that may be related to the ability to deliver knowledge or training in a highly accelerated manner.

My goal for the class is to use my persona and scenario experience to deliver knowledge and tools to the class on the same topic very, very quickly.

Good luck with your work!


Your approach is very interesting. I have recently started to cooperate with Zentropa Interactive, a branch of the Danish Film company Zentropa, to add more expertise on storytelling to my personas courses. A year ago I did a survey on personas and scenario articles on the net.

I am not sure you will find what you are looking for as most articles are from a IT perspective. The one who has written most extensively about scenarios in IT is John Carroll, maybe you will find some of his works useful. He does not have the personas perspective though.

Hvorfor personas?

Hvad kan vi bruge personas til?
Kan du huske filmen Pretty Woman og hovedpersonen Vivian, der blev spillet af Julia Roberts. Hvis du kan huske hvordan hun er klædt i begyndelsen af filmen, så har hun næsten ikke noget tøj på og hun opbevarer kondomer i sine støvler. Forestil dig at du er en designer, der skal designe en ny mobil dims og forestil dig at Vivian skal bruge den. Pludselig opstår der overvejelser over hvad hun skal bruge den til? Og hvor skal hun have den henne, når hun nu ikke har nogen lommer i sit tøj og ingen taske?

Som det fremgår af eksemplet så kan en persona bruges til, at designteamet kan forestille sig hvem der skal bruge et nyt system/internet site, hvordan det bruges og i hvilken kontekst det skal bruges.

Hvorfor personas?
Personas er vigtige, fordi vi som udgangspunkt designer til mennesker der anderledes end vi selv er. Flere undersøgelser har vist at selv om designere ikke har mødt en bruger, så taler de alligevel om dem. Det er før hørt at et udviklingsteam taler om de dumme brugere, hvor de brugere de taler om, er nogle de ikke bryder sig om eller er stereotyper.

Når vi forfatter en personas beskrivelse, så bliver det muligt igennem identifikation med og empati for personaen at forestille sig personaens behov og adfærd og på den måde træffe designbeslutninger for brugerne.
At leve sig ind i en persona kræver derfor, at beskrivelsen skal være så levende og engagerende, at dette bliver muligt for læseren. For at kunne engagere os, har vi brug for informationer, der kan skabe engagement.
Informationer der kan vække engagement kræver informationer der kan skabe sympati, empati og genkendelse.

Sympati er mulig når informationerne:
– Beskriver personaens “state of mind” og den kontekst som handlingen udspiller sig i. Dette gør det muligt for os at lave en moralsk evaluering af personaen.
– Gør det muligt at se personaen som en individuel og menneskelig person.
– Gør det muligt for os at sætte os selv i relation til personaens handlinger, viden og følelser.

Empati er mulig når vi forstår personaens følelser og derved kan teste forskellige emotioner, der passer til den situation som personaen er i.
Empati er også når vi ufrivilligt reagerer på en emotionel situation.

Genkendelse er de informationer, der gør designerne i stand til at konstruere personaen som en individuel og menneskelig agent.
Smith, M. (1995). Engaging Characters: Fiction, emotion, and the cinema: Clarendon Press

Baseret på data
Vivian er ikke en persona, Vivian er en karakter i en film, hun er ikke baseret på data, og her er den vigtigste forskel på fiktive karakterer og fiktive personas. Personas er altid bygget på data.

Personas understøtter kommunikation
Når vi anvender personas, får hele designteamet en fælles forståelse for brugerne, og beslutninger om hvilken vej som designet skal tage kan ikke længere tage udgangspunkt i “det vil jeg have”, men istedet i “det vil brugeren have”. Samtidig så er det lettere at huske en persona end en statistisk beskrivelse af en målgruppe, fordi beskrivelsen tager udgangspunkt i fortællingen og pga billedet af personaen.

10 trin
Hele processen fradataindsamling til det færdige udkast til system kan beskrives i 10 trin:
1: Finde brugerne (indsamling af kvantitative data)
2: Forme antagelse
3: Verifikation (indsamling af kvalitativ data til brug for persona, situation, scenarie)
4: Finde mønstrene
5: Definere og konstruere personas
6: Skabe eksempler på situationer
7: Validering og buy-in fra organisationen
8: Spredning af viden i organisationen
9: Scenarier og videre brug
10: Fortsat udvikling

Et eksempel på en persona til et slanke- og motionsprogram til en PDA

Mogens er 52 år og arbejder som VVS mand. Hans primære opgave er at lave bad og køkken i nybyggede ejendomme, samt at køre rundt til privatkunder. Han har arbejdet i håndværker-branchen de sidste 30 år og har derfor en stor viden inde for sit fag, og kan derved ofte besvare kundernes spørgsmål uden at søge hjælp hos andre. (….) Mogens er en høj herre på 188 cm og vejer 30-40 kilo for meget. (…) Mogens har været på flere diæter, men det er ikke alle sammen han tager lige seriøst. Hverdagene for ham, når han er på diæt, er ikke så forskellige for andre hverdage. Dette skyldes, at det er Mogens’ kone der står for maden og indkøb, (…) han en blufærdig person, der gerne vil holde sine diæter privat. Han ønsker derfor ikke at spise “kaninfoder”, som han selv kalder det, foran kollegaer og kunder. (…) Lige som Mogens ikke bryder sig om diæter, fordi han får et lavt energiniveau og et dårligt humør, bryder han sig heller ikke om at dyrke motion. (…) Han ved desuden ikke hvad der kunne få ham til at dyrke mere motion. Det skulle dog lige være hans helbred, da et af hans største ønsker er at se børne-børnene vokse op, og måske endda opleve at få nogle børnebørn.